Wednesday, 25 January 2017

On The Serious Side


So today we're going to talk about mental health. 

This can be a touchy subject, and people tend to shy away from anything to do with what could be going on inside of someone else's brain, but I think we need to discuss this more often, if we could help someone why would we not want to talk about it. 
I know the stigma surrounding mental health "issues" causes people to look at others as though it is a bad thing they choose to have. People aren't freaks because they can't cope, they aren't losers because they avoid the rambunctious parties they are dealing with the hand they have been dealt and doing the best they can. 

I myself battle daily with depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. I know thats quite a few, and some days are really hard to handle, I don't want to leave my bed or face the day, and sometimes thats okay, but more often than not you do have to get up there are things to be done and it's time to face the music, so begrudgingly I leave the house, but I'm in no mood to deal with anything - or anyone - people don't know whats wrong but they give me a wide birth when in actuality all I want - besides the comfort of my room - is to ask whats wrong, listen, and maybe a hug. It's not that hard, but sometimes it feels like you're asking for the moon. 

Mental illness presents itself in many different forms, and I wouldn't be surprised if more people than you would have guessed deal with a form of this in their daily lives. So given the fact that so many are afflicted, shouldn't we be just a little more accepting of the conditions? 

I thoroughly dislike the saying everything happens for a reason I find it wildly unhelpful; however, I also believe in that saying and happen to feel it is very true. If nothing had a reason for happening it just happened Why would we be here, what would we be working towards and if it didn't happen for a reason why wouldn't we get everything we wanted? 
I think this also applies to the mental illness you may or may not suffer with on a daily basis. 

Your life is a book - in a weird cheesy way of saying it - and everything you fight through today will just better - and maybe inspire - your tomorrow, or maybe inspire someone else to live long enough to see their tomorrow. If we can all be so ready to help the homeless why can't we all be ready to jump in and help those who don't know where to start to help themselves. 

Now it's not so much a review as an opinion :) 

The subject of mental health has been a dark subject for so long that people aren't even sure really what it means anymore. It's not just a stigmatism anymore its a reality for at least 20% of Canadians approximately 8% of all Canadian adults will deal with major depression alone, if it affects that many people shouldn't it be our right to arm ourselves with all the knowledge we can on the topic, because I don't know about you guys but no school I've ever gone to has even brushed on the subject! 

Some facts!

Despite being treatable - medication, therapy - 49% of Canadians who have had problems with depression have not been to see anyone about the problems 

24% of deaths in people aged 15-24 is suicide related, 16% in the ages between 24-44 

roughly 10-20% of youth in Canada is affected by some form of mental illness - This is the most disabling group of disorders NATION WIDE!

So if its this common why aren't we doing our part to help, better yet why is it only now in the last 5-6 years that the topic has even come up of concern at all? 

Let me know your thoughts and opinions!

Thanks for reading! I'll be back soon! 

Try new things, love life, and live out loud!

Book Worm! 

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